2023 Congressional app challenge winners
2023 CONGressional APP CHALLENGe Winners
Chix in Kix From Joliet, Montana with their app H2O Go
Code Girls United App Challenge INFORMATION 
Code Girls United is devoted to creating opportunities for 4th to 8th grade girls in technology course work, preparing them for successful high tech careers. The goal is to engage student creativity and encourage their participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education fields.
The project should includes a live 5 minute presentation with a pitch and demonstration of their app and business plan, submitted in advance. Guidelines and Rubric are available upon request, email m.smith@codegirlsunited.org
Competitions area an opportunity for girls to demonstrate their coding project and meet with other like-minded girls. In the Code Girls United App Challenge, girls will get great swag, have loads of fun, and have the opportunity to show off the projects they have worked so hard to complete and win scholarship prizes. This is an amazing opportunity for girls to rub elbows with real Venture Capitalists (just like on Shark Tank), University professors, and local technology company CEOS.
Mary Ann Cummings
Professor, Montana State University
Cris Nekar
Partner, Two Bear Capital
Leland Johnson
CEO, Excellimatrix
If you have urgent questions or concern please call 406-300-4280.
No Travel is Required
Last Saturday in April
Open to girls 4th – 8th grade
teams of two to five girls