Our Story

In the Fall of 2016, 28 girls gathered with their laptops in the basement of Sykes Diner in Kalispell, to learn a skill that isn’t perceived as a “girly” activity, learning to code.  This was the start of Code Girls United.  

Code Girls United was founded by women who worked in the staggeringly male dominated tech industry at its inception, breaking the ground for future generations. Having decades of experience in Tech and simultaneously discrimination in the workforce, they are bonded by mutual experience. When these women gather, they reflect and joke about their experiences, many of which were no laughing matter to endure. The forced dress code of panty hose and skirts, being questioned about their plans surrounding pregnancy and starting a family during job interviews, being paid less as women because ‘the men have families to support’ as well as their tactics to navigate consistent sexual harassment are all common topics
